Thursday, February 4, 2010

Harry Reid puts his foot in his mouth....Again!

It seems that the Democrats have a bit of an ego problem. First we had Al Gore claiming he invented the internet. Then we had President Obama acting as though he were a King and above criticism. And now we have the wonderful Senator from Nevada. Sen. Harry Reid, who last month apologized for privately praising President Barack Obama's lack of a "Negro dialect," posted a Black History Month essay on his website Monday in which he takes credit for racial integration in Las Vegas.One problem: Some local black leaders and historians don't remember him having had a significant role in that effort and the senator himself made no reference to it in his 2008 memoir.

It just shows, beyond, question, how far Democratic leaders are from reality and how distorted their views of themselves are. Perhaps Sen. Reid was trying to over-compensate for his remark regarding the Presidents' "dialect". Perhaps he was trying to pander to his constituency in Nevada to shore up his chance in an election year. Whatever his personal reasonings, the point to be taken by Americans young and old is clear. "If you have to tell a lie, the bigger it is, the more people will believe it." Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf". And todays message from history, boys and girls, was brought to you by Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada.

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